Fall Mum Fundraisers
Thank for supporting schools and organizations in Livingston County!
-Select the school or organization that you want to support.
-Go to Shop Now
-Place your order there and that school/organization will receive the donations!
Thanks for your support for the Hutchings Elementary School. The purchase of mums will go to support the schools PTO programs and school garden.
Fundraising Dates: August 20th- September 6th
Pickup location: Hutchings Elementary School
Pick up date: September 16th 3:45-6pm
Thanks for your support of the Livingston County Habitat for Humanity. The purchase of mums will go to support our building programs and projects helping families in Livingston County.
Fundrasing Dates: August 18th-September 6th
Pick up location: The Dertian Ranch - 3577 Jewell Rd Howell
Pick up dates: September 13th & 14th
Thank you for your support of The Dertian Ranch Communinty Giveback Fund. The purchase of mums through this fundraiser help provide funds for the Jr. Master Gardener Program. The fundraiser enables schools, and families to send children to the class at no charge.
Fundraising Dates:
Pick up location: The Dertian Ranch- 3577 Jewell Rd, Howell
Pick up dates:
Your school or organization!
Do you have a school or organization that needs to raise funds? The fall mum fundriaser is easy for all involved. We work with each group individually to ensure your fundraiser makes the most money for your school/organization, is easy, and fun!
Contact April for more information and to sign up!